Varicose Veins

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are the swollen, twisted, enlarged, and bulged veins present underneath the skin surface. They can be seen anywhere in the body but are usually found in the legs and feet.

Causes and Risk Factors of Varicose Veins

The blood flows in the veins towards the heart through one-way valves. If the valves get weak or damaged, the blood can pool inside the veins and cause vein enlargement. Prolonged standing or sitting with crossed legs can cause the blood to collect in the leg veins, thereby increasing the pressure within the veins. ‘Due to increased venous pressure, the veins can get stretched. This can lead to the weakening of the vein walls and damage to the valves’, shares Varicose Vein treatment doctor in Hyderabad at Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgical Centre.

Varicose veins are the result of raised blood pressure in the superficial veins. It is a relatively common condition that may be seen in people having a family history of the same problem. The factors that can make an individual more likely to experience pressure in their veins and formation of varicose veins are:

  • Overweight or obesity
  • Being female (due to hormonal factors like adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause)
  • Being aged
  • Being physically inactive
  • Pregnancy
  • A leg injury
  • Smoking
  • Taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

In most people with varicose veins, especially those who have early-stage varicose veins, no symptoms are there. However, their occurrence does make the legs look aesthetically unappealing.

The most commonly noticed symptoms of varicose veins may include:

  • Rashes, itchy skin, or skin colour changes in the areas of ankles and feet  
  • A heavy feeling, aching, cramping, throbbing pain, and/or burning sensation in the legs, especially on standing or sitting for long hours
  • Leg sores or swelling of the ankles and feet, especially at the end of the day.

In the case of severe varicose veins, prolonged mild swelling is noticed that can lead to more serious skin and tissue issues including ulcers and non-healing sores.

Varicose vein symptoms may resemble the signs of other conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a Best Doctors For Varicose Veins Treatment in Hyderabad for an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are simply identifiable by a thorough physical examination and review of the patient’s symptoms and complete medical history. The diagnostic test, duplex ultrasound, may be ordered to confirm varicose veins occurrence. This test is done to check the structure of leg veins and their blood flow and assess the severity of the condition while ruling out other possibilities. For checking for any blockage in the veins or blood clot (thrombus) formation, the doctor may recommend the patient undergo a venous Doppler exam.

Varicose Veins Treatment in Hyderabad

Treatment of asymptomatic varicose veins is not necessary. There are different treatment options available for symptomatic varicose veins. The specific treatment is determined by Best Vein Specialist Doctors in Hyderabad at Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery based on the patient’s age, medical history, and overall health status; signs and symptoms; severity of the condition; the tolerance to specific medications, procedures, or therapies; expectations for the condition course; and patient’s opinion and preference. 

At Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery, we have top-notch and Best Doctors for Varicose Veins Treatment in Hyderabad and cutting-edge facilities for customised, holistic treatment of varicose veins.

The different treatment options for varicose veins include:

  • Self-help measures to relieve symptoms: These include reducing extra weight and performing light to moderate physical activities like walking or swimming; avoiding prolonged standing and sitting with crossed legs; and keeping the legs elevated on pillows while sleeping.
  • Venous/ compression stockings: These help maintain the blood flow in the leg veins, thereby reducing swelling of the legs and the risk of the formation of blood clots in the veins. They are worn all through the day and taken off before going to bed at night.
  • Medications: There are flavonoids available to increase venous tone, improve lymph drainage, and protect the microcirculation. They work to reduce leg swelling, heal ulcers, and improve skin changes.
  • Open surgery: It is suggested when the ultrasound scan reports the vein junction to be incompetent. The surgery involves making a small cut in the leg, locating the vein junction (mostly in the upper thigh), and tying off the varicose veins at the junction. For more details on Varicose Veins Surgery Cost in Hyderabad, consult the experts at Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery.
  • Stripping and Ligation: This is done to eliminate the affected vein. The procedure involves making a small skin incision on either side of the affected vein and the tying of the affected veins at the junction. Thereafter, a flexible wire is inserted into the varicose vein and withdrawn while removing the vein.
  • Laser ablation: A laser fibre is introduced into the varicose vein through a small skin puncture. It delivers laser light that selectively thermally destroys the affected veins.

Benefits of Varicose Veins Treatment

Varicose veins are not a serious medical concern but they can become uncomfortable and lead to serious problems. As these are very noticeable, they may cause people to feel embarrassed or conscious of their looks. With early varicose treatment, people can restore the aesthetics of their legs so that they can flaunt in short lower garments. Moreover, they can avoid complications.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if varicose veins are left untreated?

Varicose veins are a medical condition that usually worsens over time. If their occurrence is neglected by the patient, the condition can get bothersome and affect the patient’s lifestyle. The potential complications of varicose veins are not so serious or life-threatening. They include thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins and blood clot formation inside it); varicose eczema (dry, itchy, discoloured skin above the affected veins); bleeding when mild trauma to inflamed superficial veins; and lipodermatosclerosis (the skin getting hard, tough, swollen, and discoloured above the affected veins).

In case diabetic people with varicose veins are left untreated for varicose veins, the complications are much worse. Rarely, the condition can result in venous insufficiency wherein normal blood flow to the heart is affected.

2. How do pregnant women get varicose veins?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the womb (uterus) of the mother-to-be gets enlarged to accommodate the growing foetus. This builds pressure on the veins that arise from lower limbs and prevents the flow of blood that reaches the heart. The varicose veins develop when the overloaded veins get compressed by the enlarged uterus. Pregnant women have elevated blood volume in their body that also contributes to varicose veins.

3. Are varicose veins a health concern?

Varicose veins can get worse over time and lead to complications, if not treated timely. Rarely, it can lead to venous insufficiency that can affect health. However, even if there are varicose veins, the blood flow can simply re-route to the normal veins with healthy valves and thus does not cause any health issues.

4. Can I prevent varicose veins?

Some preventive measures are there to avoid the formation of varicose veins. These include maintaining a healthy body weight, doing regular workouts, avoiding prolonged crossing of the legs while sitting, putting feet up while sitting, and avoiding wearing tight clothes.

5. Does my insurance cover the cost of varicose vein treatment?

If your varicose veins treatment is medically necessary or when conservative therapies like wearing compression stockings have failed, your insurance policy will cover the price of the treatment. However, if varicose veins are being treated for aesthetic purposes using cosmetic procedures, insurance cannot claim the cost of the treatment.

The doctors at Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery are experts in treating all types of vein-related conditions. They use the latest technology and minimally-invasive procedures to treat the affected vein and offer the best remedy for varicose veins. The facilities offer patients cosmetic advantages, minimal recovery time, and the best results. Consult now for more details on varicose vein treatment in Hyderabad.

Varicose Veins: Symptoms, Risk Factors ,Treatment | Blue Veins in Legs |

Varicose Veins: Symptoms, Risk Factors ,Treatment | Blue Veins in Legs |

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Disclaimer: The content, images, and videos available on our website are aimed at raising awareness among individuals and should not be construed as medical advice. Results may vary for each patient based on their health status and physiological makeup. For further information, we invite you to reach out to us for a personalized consultation.