Pelvic Organ Prolapse Treatment in Hyderabad

What is pelvic organ prolapse?

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP), one of the pelvic floor disorders, is the unusual descent or prolapse (drop) of one or more of the pelvic organs from their usual position. Sometimes, the prolapse is so severe that it gets noticed as a bulge outside the vagina. At Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery Clinic, the gynaecologist and expert surgeons provide the best treatment for Pelvic Floor Disorders in Hyderabad. They use the most advanced technology and surgical procedures to manage this health issue.

Types of pelvic organ prolapse

As per traditional anatomical site classification of pelvic organ prolapse, there are five types of pelvic organ prolapse:

  • Cystocele- It is the dropping down of the upper anterior vaginal wall involving the urinary bladder.
  • Urethrocele- It is the prolapse of the lower front (anterior) vaginal wall involving only the urethra. However, often a slip-down urethra accompanies a dropped bladder and that is called a cysto-urethrocele.
  • Enterocele- It is the prolapse of the upper back (posterior) vaginal wall having the bowel loops.
  • Rectocele- It is the prolapse of the lower posterior vaginal wall containing the rectum that protrudes out of the vagina.
  • Uterovaginal prolapse- It is the dropping down of the cervix, uterus, and top part of the vagina (vaginal vault).

For more details, get in touch with Best Doctors for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Treatment in Hyderabad at Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery Clinic.

Causes and Risk Factors of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

  • Normally, females have their uterus, urinary bladder, urethra, small bowel, and rectum secure in their destined place with the help of ligaments, tissues, and muscles- together called pelvic floor. When this pelvic floor support gets weakened or sustains damage, the pelvic organs prolapse from their normal position, hence the name pelvic organ prolapse.
  • Most women who are aged or have gone through vaginal delivery suffer from pelvic organ prolapse.

The various causes and risk factors of pelvic organ prolapse include:

  • Childbearing- When there is lengthy or difficult vaginal delivery or multiple pregnancies, an increased childbirth pressure on the pelvic organs causes their prolapse.
  • Obesity- Obese people have about 40-75% increased risk of having pelvic organ prolapse due to more intra-abdominal pressure which weakens the pelvic floor muscles and fascia.
  • Aging- Postmenopausal women or aged women have reduced levels of oes-trogen in their bodies and weaker tissues of their pelvic floor. Therefore, they are at high risk of experiencing pelvic organ prolapse.
  • Heredity- Genes have a role in deciding the strength of our body bones, muscles, and tissues. So, pelvic organ prolapse can run in families due to weaker muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor.
  • Persistent coughing/constipation- These increase abdominal pressure and the support of the pelvic organs gets weak due to stretching over time, resulting in pushing down of the pelvic organs.
  • Smoking- Laboratory investigations suggest that women who are smokers may experience smoking-induced activation of vaginal macrophage elastase which may lead to pelvic organ prolapse.
  • High-impact physical activities- Repeated lifting of heavy weights and often performed strenuous activities like crossfit can cause pelvic organ prolapse due to increased abdominal pressure.
  • Injury- Pelvic organ prolapse can be the result of an injury to any part of the pelvic floor. The injury could be because of vaginal delivery, surgery, fracture of the pelvis, or pelvic radiation therapy.  Consult with the expert doctors at Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery Clinic for details on Uterus/ Uterine Prolapse Treatment in Hyderabad.
  • Other medical conditions- These include large uterine fibroids or pelvic cysts and conditions like Marfan’s Syndrome and Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome which cause bodily tissues to become weak.

Symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Mild pelvic organ prolapse usually goes unnoticed in women. Symptoms appear when the uterus or other organs press against the vaginal wall and worsen when a person stands, jumps, and lifts weights.

Early-stage POP symptoms include:

  • A feeling of heaviness, fullness, or pressure in the pelvic area and sometimes in the groyne area
  • A feeling that something is bulging out of the vaginal opening along with pressure in the lower abdomen or pelvic area
  • Vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • Urinary leakage, trouble starting the urine stream, and frequent urinary tract infections
  • Difficulty in passing stools or peeing.

Severe cases of POP present the following symptoms:

  • A bulging or heavy sensation in the vaginal canal
  • A need to use fingers to push stools out of the rectum during bowel movement
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Urinary problems
  • Lower backache.  

Diagnosis of pelvic organ prolapse

To start with diagnosis, the patient’s symptoms and medical history are reviewed followed by a physical exam. Additional tests that the patient may be ordered for include:

Medical imaging tests- These may include pelvic floor ultrasound and MRI to view the inside of the pelvic area and check for the extent of prolapse.
Bladder function tests- Cystoscopy is used to view the inside of the bladder and urethra to check for any urinary symptoms associated with POP. A urodynamic test may be recommended to check how well the bladder and urethra are functioning.

Treatment of pelvic organ prolapse in Hyderabad

If pelvic organ prolapse isn’t causing any discomfort or interfering with daily activities, doctors suggest waiting and watching as there might be no need for medical treatment. Some lifestyle changes and pelvic floor physiotherapy could help. However, if the prolapse is causing issues with bowel/bladder function, significant pain or discomfort, urinary and defecation problems, and impacting sexual life, treatment may be necessary.

At Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery Clinic, treatment is chosen by the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Treatment Doctors in Hyderabad based on patient health and one’s symptoms and overall well-being.

Non-surgical treatment approaches:

  • Kegel exercises to improve pelvic floor muscle tone and strengthen pelvic floor
  • Vaginal pessary to hold drop-down pelvic organ in place
  • Biofeedback technique to control pelvic floor muscle contraction.

Surgical treatment approaches:

  • Obliterative procedure where the vaginal walls are sutured shut and the vagina is shortened so that pelvic organs don’t drop down. Colpocleisis is an obliterative procedure preferred when the patient doesn’t want penetrative sex in future life.
  • Reconstructive procedures to repair weakened parts of the pelvic floor- such as colporrhaphy (for vaginal vault prolapse), sacrocolpopexy (for enterocele and vaginal vault prolapse), and sacrohysteropexy (for uterine prolapse)
  • The most popular surgery to treat cystocele and rectocele is pelvic organ prolapse suspension surgery. This surgery involves laparoscopic placement of Y-shaped surgical mesh to lift the vaginal wall.

Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery Clinic has the best gynecologist in Hyderabad who has the expertise in performing surgeries to get the pelvic organ prolapse effectively managed.

FAQs on Pelvic Organ Prolapse Treatment

How can I prevent pelvic organ prolapse?

Most cases of pelvic organ prolapse are not under the control of the patient. However, certain healthy habits like doing daily pelvic floor exercises, avoiding smoking, preventing chronic constipation, maintaining a healthy weight, and protecting the pelvic floor when weight lifting can help reduce the risk of pelvic organ prolapse.

What happens if pelvic organ prolapse is left untreated?

When left untreated, pelvic organ prolapse and its symptoms may worsen. Rarely, pelvic organ prolapse is fatal. However, it can cause complications such as urinary/fecal incontinence, problems with bowel movements, painful sex, urinary tract infection, a kink in the urethra, and kidney damage.

Can I live a normal life with pelvic organ prolapse?

A pelvic organ prolapse in some cases causes minimal to no problems while in severe cases it may be associated with pain and discomfort. Although its occurrence is not life-threatening it might affect your life quality.

Can a pelvic organ prolapse repair itself?

In the case of mild pelvic organ prolapse, up to third-degree prolapse, there are some chances of the prolapse fixing itself or not further slipping down after some time without medical treatment by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. However, severe cases of pelvic organ prolapse need medical treatment.

How successful is surgery for pelvic organ prolapse?

Any surgical intervention does not guarantee a permanent cure for pelvic organ prolapse but surgery does help in relieving symptoms. There are some chances that pelvic organ prolapse can recur, especially when a person is overweight/obese, has a persistent cough, has chronic constipation, or carries out heavy physical activities like weight lifting. 

Schedule an appointment

If you suspect a pelvic organ prolapse or a weakened pelvic floor, don’t feel embarrassed and without hesitation consult our top-notch urogynecologists, pelvic floor physiotherapists, and surgeons at Sree Nandaka Advanced Surgery Clinic, Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery Hospitals in Hyderabad.

We employ highly experienced experts for the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic organ prolapse. By getting in touch with us, the doctors also give best suggestions on your treatment and even advice on lifestyle modifications to repair your pelvic organ prolapse and live a better quality of life. We ensure optimal treatment outcomes with our advanced treatments at pocket-friendly prices.

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Disclaimer: The content, images, and videos available on our website are aimed at raising awareness among individuals and should not be construed as medical advice. Results may vary for each patient based on their health status and physiological makeup. For further information, we invite you to reach out to us for a personalized consultation.